1. Describe the metre and the tempo of this music.
    3 beats in a bar, moderato
  2. Describe the timbre and the tempo of this music.
    vocal, allegro
  3. Describe the tonality and the metre of this music.
    major, 2 or 4 beats in a bar
  4. Describe the phrase structure and the dynamics of this music
    short phrases, forte
  5. Describe the tonality and the metre of this music.
    minor, 3 beats in a bar
  6. Describe the 2 different timbres heard in this music.
    string, woodwind
  7. Describe the articulation and the texture of this music.
    legato, homophonic
  8. Describe the tempo and the dynamics of this music.
    allegro, forte
  9. Describe the texture and the pitch of this music.
    monophonic, medium
  10. Describe the 2 different timbres heard in this music.
    percussion, string
  1. Describe the pitch of the melody line and the tempo of this music.
    medium, moderato
  2. Describe the rhythm and the texture of this music.
    a mixture of long notes and short notes, homophonic
  3. Describe the phrase structure and the rhythm of this music.
    a short phrase followed by a long phrase, a mixture of long notes and short notes
  4. Describe the articulation of the melody and the metre of this music.
    legato, 3 beats in a bar
  5. Describe the rhythm of the melody and the tonality of this music.
    a mixture of long notes and short notes, minor
  6. Describe the metre and the dynamics of this music.
    2 or 4 beats in a bar, forte
  7. Describe the texture and the tonality of this music.
    homophonic, major
  8. Describe the dynamics and the tempo of this music.
    piano, moderato
  9. Describe the phrase structure and the articulation of the melody of this music.
    long phrases, legato
  10. Describe the timbre and the pitch of this music.
    string, high
  1. Describe the articulation of (a) the accompaniment, and (b) the melody line of this music.
    (a) staccato, (b) legato
  2. Describe the rhythm of the melody and the tonality of this music.
    a mixture of long notes and short notes, minor
  3. Describe the tonality and the phrase structure of this music.
    minor, short phrases
  4. Describe the phrase structure and the dynamics of this music.
    short phrases, forte
  5. Describe the pitch and the texture of this music.
    high, homophonic
  6. Describe the rhythm of the melody and the phrase structure of this music.
    a mixture of long notes and short notes, long phrases
  7. Describe the texture and the metre of this music.
    homophonic, 2 or 4 beats in a bar
  8. Describe the tempo and the rhythm of the melody of this music.
    moderato, a mixture of long notes and short notes
  9. Describe the dynamics and the pitch of this music.
    piano, medium
  10. Describe the pitch of the melody instrument and the metre of this music.
    high, 3 beats in a bar